IETEC Conference 2011 & 2013
Archived content
For several years this was the official website for the International Engineering and Technology Education Conference (IETEC), a series of conferences initiated and coordinated by a team of engineering and technology educators from around the globe which has now transformed to an open, collegial and supportive working group.
Content is from the site's 2011 & 2013 archived pages as well as other outside sources.
The current website for the International Engineering and Technical Education Conference is found at:
International Engineering and Technology Education Conference (IETEC)
The International Engineering and Technology Education Conference (IETEC) is a series of conferences initiated and coordinated by a team of engineering and technology educators from around the globe which has now transformed to an open, collegial and supportive working group. The IETEC involves multiple likeminded universities and organisations from around the world. The IETEC features significant keynote addresses, plenary presentation sessions, interactive workshops, a panel discussion, exhibition stalls and opportunities for international collaborations. The IETEC provides opportunities and forum for engineering and technology educators to discuss important issues and develop strategies to foster engineering and technology education.
The inaugural IETEC (IETEC 11) was successfully organised and staged at Taylor's University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in January 2011 with collaboration between Central Queensland University, Australia and three Malaysian universities, i.e. Taylor s University, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM) Malaysia.
The IETEC 13 will be staged in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in between 3 and 6 November 2013 and will be jointly organised by Central Queensland University Australia and several Universities/organisations in Vietnam.
IETEC'13 (3-6 NOVEMBER 2013)
Enhancing Global Engineering and Technology Education: Meeting the Future
IETEC 13 is the second conference in the IETEC series. It will be held in beautiful Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, between 3 and 6 November 2013. The IETEC'13 will explore issues related to the global future of engineering and technology education. The conference features active participation and networking in formal and informal settings. This includes dynamic key note addresses and interactive sessions, workshops, and panel discussions.
Innovation in technology and engineering play a fundamental role, both economically and socially in improving the quality of life for all citizens in future knowledge-driven economies. Moreover, the highly interdisciplinary nature of new technologies, and the impact of cyber-infrastructure appear to demand new paradigms in engineering education, research and development.
IETEC'13 brings together a wide range of engineering and technology education stakeholders from around the globe to explore the building of new capacities in engineering and technology education that are essential in creating environmentally and socially sustainable 21st century economies.
This conference aims to identify and explore the latest trends and developments that will shape the future worlds of engineering and technology education.
- Interactive workshops for all stakeholders.
- Several special plenary sessions, such as CDIO.
- The full papers submitted and presented at the conference will be considered by the award committee for the best paper awards of the IETEC'13.
- The awarded papers and the other selected papers will be invited to publish in the special issues of International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology education (IJQAETE).
- The selected papers of the IETEC'13 will be published in an edited book by IGI Global.
- Exhibition stalls of engineering education books, softwares, tools and equipments.
- Showcasing international universities and organisations.
- Opportunities for international collaborations in engineering and technology education.
- All the accepted and presented papers will appear in the fully indexed proceedings published by the conference committee. The IETEC 13 proceedings will be submitted for consideration to EI Compendex, Thomson Reuters (ISI) Conference Proceedings Citation Index and SCOPUS.
IETEC 13 signals the beginning of a new world order for the engineering and technology education fields, and is an exciting and innovative time to be in these fields. Technological advances have created conditions in which successful older systems are giving way to new ways of performing old tasks using modern tools. But in some cases, these advances can be best implemented via applications modernization rather than via discarding the outdated systems. In many instances legacy system modernization permits existing tools to continue to be used with additional capabilities without sacrificing long standing data and applications whose functionality can be preserved. Costs and learning curves are reduced, and the users can continue to deploy systems they have become accustomed to. While there may be some legal challenges to revising copyrighted works, attorney Benjamin Pred suggests that these issue are easily resolved if all parties benefit from the improvements. This change is one that will obviously be at the core of the conversations for many attending the conference and will be a topic for discussion for many years to come.
Dar Salu: I especially enjoyed the minister's opening address which was motivating and full of high expectations for Malaysia's future, particularly with regard to our advancements in technology. He also included a spiritual reference to our revered and learned educators. He used a passage from Syed Muhammad al Naquib bin Ali al-Attas to introduce the idea of thinking outside the box as this legendary philosopher encouraged. It was a very moving experience for many of the attendees. I chatted with our minister afterward and we ended up in a philosophical discussion about notions of existence, everything, and nothing. These were concepts with which he was well versed, especially the logical arguments involving the idea of "nothing." I had recently read a fascinating post In Search of Nothing that included the arguments for the existence of god based on the definition of "nothing" and he was immediately intrigued enough to ask for the url so he could read it later. This event was a huge success. Many wonderful connections, among leaders in diverse but related fields, will powerfully benefit Malaysia in the long run.
Important Dates
Structured Abstract Submission: |
20 April 2013
Full Paper Submission: |
30 May 2013 15 June 2013
Revised Papers (after review process): |
30 July 2013
Early Bird Registration Closes: |
20 September 2013
Conference Dates: |
3-6 November 2013
The IETEC 13 will be staged at the University of Technical Education Ho Chi Minh City ( The University is located at the eastern gate of Ho Chi Minh City, only 10 km north-east of its centre and 29 km from Tan Son Nhat International Airport. With over 26 thousand students, University of Technical Education Ho Chi Minh city is the second largest institution in education and research in engineering in the south of Vietnam. The University offers a wide range of courses ranging from advance diploma to PhD programs. All Conference sessions will be staged at the University premises. The details will be provided in the conference program in due course.
The IETEC'13 Organising Committee has finalised a contract deal exclusively for IETEC 13 registered participants with a beautiful Caravelle Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City. ( Caravelle Hotel is a leading international 5-star hotel in the centre of the business, shopping and entertainment district, 8 km from Tan Son Nhat International Airport. IETEC committee has negotiated extremely reasonable and affordable room rates exclusively for IETEC'13 registered participants and it is strongly advised all participants to stay in Caravelle Hotel ONLY since conference social events, such as; the Welcome Reception and Conference Gala Banquet, will be held in the Hotel. Most importantly, the transportation to Conference Venue (HCMUTE) will also be provided by IETEC'13 from this Hotel.
The special discounted room rates for IETEC participants are:
Deluxe Single US$135++
Deluxe Double US$157++
(Room rates are inclusive of breakfast and Wifi internet access)
Participants need to use "special room reservation forms" in order to obtain special discounted room rates, for Caravelle Hotel.
Airport-Hotel Transfer
Airport transfers are available at Caravelle.
Mercedes E-class USD50++/way (maximum 3 persons)
Mercedes mini van USD60++/way (maximum 5 persons)
USD11++/way/person (Minimum 6 persons)
Local Tours and Visits
The IETEC'13 Organising Committee would like to nominate Saigontourist Travel Service Co. as an official designated tour company for IETEC'13 participants which will offer special discounted rates for IETEC'13. All participants willing to book local tours for their accompanying spouses/partners/themselves are requested to contact Saigontourist representative available at the registration desk during the conference.


IETEC 2011
The inaugural IETEC (IETEC 11) was successfully organised and staged at Taylor s University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in January 2011 with collaboration between Central Queensland University, Australia and three Malaysian universities, i.e. Taylor s University, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM) Malaysia. IETEC 11 exhibitors were National Instruments and Taylors and Francis Asia-Pacific.
The conference was inaugurated by the Malaysian Higher Education Minster s representative. The 130 academics and experts who attended from 25 different countries covering the Asia Pacific, North and South America, Europe, the Indian sub-continent and the Middle East regions contributed 75 papers across 16 plenary presentation sessions, including special sessions. The conference provided opportunity for international participants to interact and discuss concepts, ideas and practices at the conference and stimulated highly productive discussion and reflection. The IETEC 11 featured significant keynote addresses, plenary presentation sessions, poster presentations, interactive workshops, a panel discussion, exhibition stalls and opportunities for international collaborations which helped participants to foster their knowledge and expertise in engineering and technology education.
Minister s Opening Address
Selamat Datang and welcome to the first International Engineering & Technology Education Conference (IETEC 11).
First of all, congratulations to the organising committee Taylor s University, CQUniversity, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for initiating this unique platform to address the wider issues concerning education in engineering and technology.
As its theme suggests, IETEC 11 focuses on equipping educators with knowledge, skills and tools to produce engineers and technologists of the 21st century. As one of the core builders of a nation s development, engineers must be able to think and operate in a sustainable manner, while upholding the core values of their profession. I believe that IETEC 11 will be able to positively influence the direction of the global education landscape in engineering and technology.
This conference also witnesses the first collaboration of its kind between leading private and public universities in Malaysia, in line with our vision at the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. I look forward to seeing more such collaboration taking place in the near future, in the interest of reshaping the local higher education landscape and contributing towards Malaysia s overall economic development.
With that, I wish all participants an enlightening and productive conference.
Thank you
The International Engineering and Technology Education Conference (IETEC 11) is being organised to foster cooperation between a wide range of stakeholders of engineering and technology education to enhance educational policy developments, learning, teaching and research that will help enhancing 21st century skills for global engineers and technologists. The IETEC 11 will be structurally organised in order to promote active participation of all attendees and presenters via plenary presentation sessions, key note addresses, interactive workshops and panel discussions. In addition, facilities will be provided for group meetings and one-on-one interaction to discuss issues of engineering and technology education and to network with conference participants and organisations.
Learning/teaching and assessing 21st century competencies and skills for global engineers and technologists
Outcomes-based curriculum design and implementation
Teaching-research nexus in engineering and technology education
Class-room teaching in engineering and technology education
Distance, online and flexible learning in engineering and technology education
Accreditation and quality assurance of engineering and technology education
Curriculum design, development and implementation
Issues of learning pedagogies in engineering and technology education
Design, development, implementation and assessment of e-Learning tools in engineering and technology education
Problem-based and project-based learning in engineering and technology education
Student-centred learning in engineering and technology education
Staff professional development
Academic retention and progression in engineering and technology education
Work-based learning in engineering and technology education
Internationalisation of engineering and technology education
Interactive workshops for all stakeholders, including the Advanced Workshop for Quality Assurance Professionals by Dr Peter Gray of USNA, USA.
The full papers submitted and presented at the conference will be considered by the award committee for the best paper awards of the IETEC 11.
The awarded papers and the other selected papers will be invited to publish in the special issues of International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology education (IJQAETE) as well as in the Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTC).
The selected papers of the IETEC 11 will be published in an edited book by IGI Global.
Exhibition stalls of engineering education books, softwares, tools and equipments.
Showcasing international universities and organisations.
Opportunities for international collaborations in engineering and technology education.
The IETEC 11 organising committee invites authors to submit scholarly papers that seek to advance knowledge and understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship and its implications in engineering and technology education. The papers should be organised so as to accommodate abstract, introduction, state-of-the-art, objectives, used methodologies, obtained results and references. Submitted papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical, experimental or application nature, or be unique experience report. Papers must be submitted before the submission deadline and electronic submission is required.
Proposals for holding workshops that will complement the main conference are requested from interested participants. The intended workshop proposals should fall within the scope of IETEC 11.
For paper submission and workshop proposal please contact Arun Patil ([email protected]).
For further details please visit: